Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Problem of the Senate

How do you solve a problem like the Senate? Canada’s Senate has seen better days; scandal has rocked the “Red Chamber” to its core, and Canadians are left wondering whether the design of our federal government is fundamentally flawed.

Prime Minister Hephen Starper has requested input from all parties on this issue be communicated immediately, i.e., the end of the day. He asks that all parties outline a 5-point plan to solve the problem of the Senate. These points must clearly align with your party’s platform, and this alignment must be explicit.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


This morning Minister of Justice and Attorney General Meter Packay announced proposed revisions to the Youth Criminal Justice Act that would allow adult sentences for young offenders aged 11-14. Under the current YCJA only young offenders ages 14-18 may be considered for adult sentences based on the severity of their crimes. “What it means to be an adolescent in today’s society is changing, and their crimes are changing as well. The current YCJA has sent kids the message that they can get away with whatever they want because they are still developing; this is unacceptable as everyone who puts our society in danger must be held accountable.” Hon. Meter Packay

The Minister is asking for responses from parties immediately. Parties should put together their press release and upload it to their site in the next hour to ensure that their voices are heard.  

Monday, May 26, 2014

Build Your Party's Platform (Unit Activity 6)

Consider the topics that we have studied this year and what you know about the issues that are important to Canadians... 

Think about the connection between federal governance and values, identity, and quality of life... 

Your platform must inform your constituents about the TOP TEN issues your party plans to address. For each issue, please provide a heading (eg. “Economic Development”), and a paragraph explaining your plan for addressing the issue. 

It is important that you carefully consider how you will demonstrate your deep understanding about the topics we have studied this year, while also appealing to your constituents (grade 6). What issues are important to them? How can they understand the complex issues you have explored in grade 9?

Corollary: You MUST include a section addressing economics. In this section please include your party’s taxation model. This could take the form of a pie chart, or another visual representation that will inform your constituents as to what will be taxed, how much, and where their money will be spent. Here is a simple pie chart generator:

Friday, May 23, 2014


Hello Connect Partiers.

Please note that Blogger will NOT allow you to collaboratively write blog posts :(

To solve this problem, we would suggest writing each post as a party, in your GoogleDoc. Then it can be copy and pasted onto your site.

Happy Campaigning!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Create Your Party's Image (Unit Activity 5)

Your FIRST STEP is to build awareness of your party through your website.
Please use blogger for this to ensure that your constituents are able to follow and comment on your sites.

Be sure to add all of the party members as authors on the blog, and to give them all administrative permission.


*You must include the following on your home page somehow, leaving room for future content* 
Party Name: be intentional and consider the type of following your party wants 
Logo: think about how you can powerfully communicate your party identity through a visual - THIS IS DUE TODAY!
Slogan: clear and concise  
Mission Statement: a formal summary of the aims and values of your party; must be 5 sentences

*You must also create one page where you will share your platform once it is created. You need to add the gadget "Pages" in order for them to show up.*

Your SECOND STEP is to print your LOGO with a QR code and your sites web address, and submit this file on edmodo so that it can be printed and displayed on our bulletin board.

***Please note. Your constituents will JOIN your party if they choose by adding your blog to their Blogger Reading List. When you look at the "Overview" for your blog you will see the number of followers that you have in real time.***