Monday, May 26, 2014

Build Your Party's Platform (Unit Activity 6)

Consider the topics that we have studied this year and what you know about the issues that are important to Canadians... 

Think about the connection between federal governance and values, identity, and quality of life... 

Your platform must inform your constituents about the TOP TEN issues your party plans to address. For each issue, please provide a heading (eg. “Economic Development”), and a paragraph explaining your plan for addressing the issue. 

It is important that you carefully consider how you will demonstrate your deep understanding about the topics we have studied this year, while also appealing to your constituents (grade 6). What issues are important to them? How can they understand the complex issues you have explored in grade 9?

Corollary: You MUST include a section addressing economics. In this section please include your party’s taxation model. This could take the form of a pie chart, or another visual representation that will inform your constituents as to what will be taxed, how much, and where their money will be spent. Here is a simple pie chart generator:

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